Having a budget and using this budget to forecast your profits and financial position is a must for any business.. even if you just want to keep trading at the same level you were last year. Many business owners write up their budget but when we input this into our cash forecast they are surprised to find out that although they are forecasting a profit the cash levels are trending downwards and their liabilities are growing!! Get the peace of mind you need by tracking your progress and keeping on top of your liabilities. We’ll help you find what needs to happen to keep your business sustainable.
Our reporting software makes it easy! Not only do our reports compare your income and expenses against budget but you can also monitor other key performance indicators such as the number of new clients, website hits, debtor days to name a few.
If things are likely to change or you have a growth strategy we can report on various scenarios so you have a clear plan going forward and we can even report on action points to keep you on track.
Dreams are free, plans are exciting but Cash is King and you simply must crunch the numbers to get the best shot at success.
Click the button below to view a sample forecast and keep in mind that sometimes less is more so we can tailor your report to suit your business and show only the detail you consider important.
SF - Sample Forecast